
Effective Business Negotiations - Business Express

Seminar - En GardE Deutschland GmbH

2-days intensive training program
Negotiation skills for excellent Business results

The En GardE bestseller for negotiators and those who want to become negotiators. With its acute focus on practice and execution as well as cutting edge didactics and methodology, this training is indispensable to achieve measurable success in negotiations.

It includes lots of practical exercises and focuses on how to implement what you learned during the seminar, effectively and methodically. This training seminar is highly recommended if you want to be successful in your negotiations.

We offer this two-day “Business Express” seminar for all participants who have just two days and wish to concentrate on En GardE's pivotal five chronobiological phases. In contrast to the intensive training seminar participants will negotiate in eight instead of 12 practical cases, leaving out the “Mastering complex (multilateral) negotiations” module.

Termin Ort Preis*
17.06.2024- 18.06.2024 Glashütten 2.249,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Training content

Use the En GardE Chrono as an effective structuring tool in negotiations

Set your negotiation strategy with the ESP (En GardE Strategic Planner)

The Fact Eyeglasses sharpen your focus on success-relevant information

Play your Aces to strengthen your negotiating position

Define a negotiation zone and set the stage for a possible agreement

Justify and strengthen your proposals with the persuasion chain

Give & Take: no claim without a counter-claim

Use a Smash to fend off unfair attacks from the other side

Close the Deal: Actively look for the close – fix the results and make them binding

Check-lists and tools assure learning and knowledge transfer success

Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days
Number of participants: at least 5, max. 10 participants
Technische Voraussetzungen:


Maximum practice – effective knowledge transfer needed for success.
This is the key message of the En GardE training philosophy . En GardE has developed a highly efficient training method to maximize the intensity of the hands-on seminar: Two negotiation experts make it possible for every participant to negotiate in 12 case studies by splitting the group in two teams in separate rooms. The case studies are video analysed by the trainer and feedback is given by the other participants. From case to case the complexity rises and demands the full attention at any time of the seminar.
This intensive training seminar is aimed at employees and executives who have to negotiate internally and externally, and who want to be able to achieve their own goals and secure the interests of their company.
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