
Mastering FDA inspections: Preparation and Best Practices - Efficient and effective preparation strategies

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- Key regulatory requirements
- How to prepare in advance?
- Special considerations in FDA inspections
- Follow-up: What you need to pay attention to
- Avoiding FDA 483s, handling warning letters
Termin Ort Preis*
15.10.2024 online 1.416,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

Your desire for the next FDA inspection: The list of deficiencies remains small because your company is inspection-ready prior to it?! - This seminar aims to provide you with an understanding of the parameters, approaches, and concerns of FDA inspectors, and the tools for preparing, coping, and managing those inspections in pharmaceutical facilities. It will also cover the FDA’s approach to inspections, focus areas, and the documents they will be asking for. - By the end of the seminar, you will have learned how to manage inspections efficiently and effectively, and how to present information about your quality system in the most competent and professional manner.
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