
European Patent Drafting Camp - Mechanics, medical technology, electronics, computer-implemented inventions, artificial intelligence

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- How to formulate the technical problem and the advantages of the invention
- EP claim drafting: tips and tricks; pitfalls to avoid
- Drafting specialized and complex claims
- Extensive drafting exercises and case studies on the basis of recent EPO case-law
- Official actions from the EPO: strategies for effective responses
- Checklists to evaluate the quality of patent claims
Termin Ort Preis*
16.10.2024- 17.10.2024 online 2.118,20 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

Drafting of European Patent claims is a skill which needs to be trained intensively. Otherwise you risk to get weak patents which can be nullified easily or do not serve the business strategy. For this purpose, we have set up the European Patent Drafting Camp, a training camp for all those who want to draft strong patent claims and who want to be drilled intensively in the art of European Patent claim drafting. Our advanced course in claim drafting provides you with the knowledge you need in order to draft strong patent claims. It is intended for participants with prior knowledge. You will be able to deepen the knowledge acquired in daily practice. Our speakers will give you tips and tricks on EP claim drafting and will show you which pitfalls to avoid. Improve your claim drafting skills in our Drafting Camp with cases based on recent EPO decisions and train how to draft effective replies to official letters.
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