
Servicemanagement Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe

Lernformate der Servicemanagement Schulungen
Präsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online

Auf finden Sie aktuell 879 Schulungen (mit 2.769 Terminen) zum Thema Servicemanagement mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:

  • 24.06.2024- 25.06.2024
  • Frankfurt am Main
  • 1.184,05 €

In der Kanzlei sind Sie der Dreh- und Angelpunkt für Vorgesetzte, Mitarbeiter und Mandanten und somit Ansprechperson und Dienstleister in erster Reihe. Sie sind sowohl auf kommunikativer als auch auf organisatorischer Ebene herausgefordert, denn jeder möchte kompetent bedient werden und das nach Möglichkeit schnell.

Haben Sie sich deswegen auch schon öfter gefragt, wie das reibungslos funktionieren kann, ohne dabei anzuecken? Genau darum geht es in unserem Seminar, in dem wir die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder Ihres Kanzleialltags gezielt beleuchten. Getreu dem Motto: „Gut sein – besser werden“ professionalisieren Sie Ihre Kanzleiorganisation. Sie lernen, wie Sie für mehr Struktur in Ihren Abläufen sorgen und steigern dadurch Ihre Effizienz. Darüber hinaus schärfen Sie Ihre Kommunikationskompetenz – schriftlich wie mündlich –, selbst wenn es mal schwierig wird.


  • 29.07.2024- 31.07.2024
  • online
  • 2.856,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5(ZE751G). 

This course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5.0, regardless of use case.

The DataPower Gateways allow an enterprise to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the security capabilities of its XML and web services deployments, and extend the capabilities of its service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure. The gateways also extend these capabilities into the JSON, REST, and Mobile application areas.

Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to develop and debug services that are implemented on the DataPower gateways. These skills include WebGUI and Blueprint Console navigation, service type selection, basic multi-protocol gateway configuration, creating and using cryptographic objects, and configuring SSL connections. You also learn how to use various problem determination tools such as logs, monitors, and probes, and techniques for testing DataPower services and handling errors.

Hands-on exercises give you experience working directly with a DataPower Gateway. The exercises focus on skills such as creating multi-protocol gateways, working with cryptographic and SSL ob...

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5(ZE751G). 

This course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5.0, regardless of use case.

The DataPower Gateways allow an enterprise to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the security capabilities of its XML and web services deployments, and extend the capabilities of its service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure. The gateways also extend these capabilities into the JSON, REST, and Mobile application areas.

Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to develop and debug services that are implemented on the DataPower gateways. These skills include WebGUI and Blueprint Console navigation, service type selection, basic multi-protocol gateway configuration, creating and using cryptographic objects, and configuring SSL connections. You also learn how to use various problem determination tools such as logs, monitors, and probes, and techniques for testing DataPower services and handling errors.

Hands-on exercises give you experience working directly with a DataPower Gateway. The exercises focus on skills such as creating multi-protocol gateways, working with cryptographic and SSL ob...


  • 05.06.2024- 03.07.2024
  • online
  • 1.416,10 €
4 weitere Termine

In der Service-Organisation befindet sich der Service Owner oft in einer komplexen Konstellation von Kund:innen, Stakeholder:innen, Business Ownern, Entwicklung und IT-Betrieb. Er muss die Erwartungen und Anforderungen managen und in Einklang bringen. Dieser Kurs vermittelt essentielle Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse für Service Owner, um Stakeholder:innen effektiv zu managen. Wichtige Themen dabei sind transparente Prozesse, Fehlermanagement und Service-Marketing. Der Kurs setzt sich zusammen aus didaktisch hochwertigen Selbstlernmodulen und Live-Webinaren. Er wurde so konzipiert, dass Sie damit flexibel über einen Zeitraum von vier Wochen hinweg lernen können – ideal, wenn Sie sich berufsbegleitend weiterbilden möchten.

  • 25.11.2024- 27.11.2024
  • Leinfelden-Echterdingen
  • 2.856,00 €


This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5(ZE751G). 

This course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5.0, regardless of use case.

The DataPower Gateways allow an enterprise to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the security capabilities of its XML and web services deployments, and extend the capabilities of its service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure. The gateways also extend these capabilities into the JSON, REST, and Mobile application areas.

Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to develop and debug services that are implemented on the DataPower gateways. These skills include WebGUI and Blueprint Console navigation, service type selection, basic multi-protocol gateway configuration, creating and using cryptographic objects, and configuring SSL connections. You also learn how to use various problem determination tools such as logs, monitors, and probes, and techniques for testing DataPower services and handling errors.

Hands-on exercises give you experience working directly with a DataPower Gateway. The exercises focus on skills such as creating multi-protocol gateways, working with cryptographic and SSL ob...


  • 18.11.2024- 20.11.2024
  • online
  • 2.391,90 €

In diesem Seminar präsentieren wir Ihnen in umfassend die Verrechnungspreissysteme für Praktiker wie z. B. Interne Verrechnungspreise (ILV): Empfehlungen zur Leistungsverrechnung zwischen Abteilungen/Business Units innerhalb eines Unternehmens. Steuerliche Verrechnungspreise: Vorstellung der international anerkannten Verrechnungspreismethoden für grenzüberschreitende Transaktionen zwischen Konzerngesellschaften, Benchmarking, Funktionsverlagerung, steuerliche Dokumentationsvorschriften und Sanktionen. Und praxisrelevante Zielkonflikte sowie Empfehlungen bezüglich der Verrechnungspreise aus Steuerungs- und aus steuerlicher Sicht.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


IBM Turbonomic Cloud ARM training takes you in-depth into how the Turbonomic ARM platform interacts with the worlds most broadly accepted public cloud technologies, such as AWS, Azure, and GCP. 

In this course, you learn how to reap the benefits of state-of-the-art automation of cloud datacenter performance and efficiency management via the Turbonomic platform. The course teaches you about the performance, location, and deployment details of your cloud workloads. You get single pane visibility of your entire cloud estate including scoped views to an account/subscription, a billing family, or a resource group. You learn about Turbonomic support for AWS and Azure Gov Clouds.You analyze your total cloud spend, cost of cloud services, as well as per account/subscription spending. You configure Turbonomic to honor scaling constraints for a unified catalog of cloud instances and consistent vertical resizing for Autoscaling Groups (in AWS) as well as Scale Sets (in Azure). You create policies for compliance, thereby making it safe to automate the scaling actions. You reduce cloud bill by deleting unattached volumes and scaling volumes to use the correct storage tier for your workloads, and configure Turbonomic to choose from the selected cloud storage tiers when scaling. You also learn about the cost and feasibility of migrating core applications to the cloud for flexibility and scale, and how to identify the right size of AWS database s...


  • 03.06.2024- 05.06.2024
  • online
  • 1.975,40 €
2 weitere Termine

Lerne in diesem Kurs die Funktionsweise digitaler Organisationen in einer sich schnell verändernden Zeit, mit Fokus auf rasche Bereitstellung von Produkten – Services kennen.


  • 11.06.2024- 14.06.2024
  • online
  • 3.760,40 €

Dieser Kurs bereitet dich darauf vor, ein AWS Certified Security (Specialty Level) zu werden. Du lernst die von AWS empfohlenen Best Practices für Sicherheit kennen, um die Sicherheit deiner Daten und Systeme in der Cloud zu verbessern.

  • 01.07.2024- 03.07.2024
  • Hamburg
  • 2.136,05 €
3 weitere Termine

Day 1

Module 0: Course Introduction

  • Course preparation activities and agenda

Module 1: Container Fundamentals

  • Design principles for building applications
  • What are containers?
  • Components of a container
  • Writing Dockerfiles

Module 2: Kubernetes Fundamentals

  • Challenges of managing many containers
  • What is Kubernetes, and why is it important?
  • Components of the Kubernetes control plane
  • Kubernetes worker nodes and pods
  • Key Kubernetes objects
  • Managing Kubernetes with kubectl
  • Hands-On Lab 1: Deploying Kubernetes Pods

Module 3: Amazon EKS Fundamentals

  • How Amazon EKS manages the Kubernetes control plane
  • Fundamentals of Amazon EKS security
  • Use cases for extending Amazon EKS to the data plane
  • Running worker nodes on managed node groups
  • Running containers on AWS Fargate with Amazon EKS
  • Amazon EKS tasks versus Kubernetes tasks

Module 4: Building an Amazon EKS Cluster

Visual review of the Amazon EKS architecture to be built in labs

IAM authentication

Amazon VPC and AWS networking fundamentals

Different methods to create a cluster

High-level steps in cluster creation

Function of eksctl

Preparing for labs: Review the lab activities for the course

Hands-On Lab 02: Building an Amazon EKS cluster...

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