
Live Online: Self-confidence 101 - Perfectionism, Inner Critic & Limits!

Seminar - CMW

Do you know the feeling of not being good enough and having to permanently over-perform through perfectionism, comparing yourself with others or not believing in your abilities?
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The so-called Imposter Syndrome often leads to these symptoms, including behaviors such as low expectations and missing out on certain career opportunities. Perfectionism is a social issue that affects many people and often triggers a high stress level and one's own inner devaluation.

With the three-pillar model of self-worth, you will work on methods to sustainably increase your self-worth and thereby lower stress levels and open up opportunities in life.

You will learn to integrate the following advancements: Inner appreciation, weaken inner critic, develop more compassion towards yourself, strengthen boundaries, learn to forgive yourself.

The 3 Pillars Model of Self-Esteem is the focus of this seminar and will help you become more positive and successful in the long run.

In addition, the trainer will go through the seven pillars of resilience with you in detail, which creates additional resilience in difficult times.

Details of this model: solution orientation, positive optimism, acceptance of the unchangeable, networking, active emotional self-control, increasing self-responsibility and strengthening goal certainty.

About the trainer: Michael Wigge made a name for himself as a challenge adventure reporter (ZDFneo, Stern TV, WDR) before his career as a trainer and shares his practical experience on perfectionism, self-esteem and resilience enhancement with the industry. Michael shares concrete examples in the seminar on his personal experiences with perfectionism, inner critic and resilience strengthening, which he experienced himself during his time as an adventurer.

Michael is certified as a coach ICF. With his challenge "Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt/How to Travel the World for Free" he was invited to the US Tonight Show together with Katy Perry and nominated for the Grimme Award in Germany.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
4 hours and 8 hours
   Self-esteem enhancement


   Appreciate yourself instead of feeling low

   Cancel Imposter Syndrome

   Stop comparing yourself

   Reduce stress
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