
The Path© International: Effective Body-oriented Coaching & Hypnosis (EKC/EKH©)

Fernlehrgang - Institut f. Effektive Körperorientierte Hypnose, Diagnostik, Personalentwicklung

Integral Life coaching of a registered psychological psychotherapist with more than 35-year therapeutical experience and more than 12 different therapy trainings for your life and relationshop, happiness, health and success

Termin Ort Preis*
03.09.2024- 27.02.2025 online 685,44
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


This course offers in short time an intensively learning intensively to solve problems more easily and to cope better with the life and live a life with deeper happiness and less fear. I teach You the best elements of all the therapy and coaching trainings, I have learned and optimized over 35 years working with people.
We work online, cause this helps to transfer the learning into the daily life.

All courses are (see below) accepted as a part of my training in Effective Body-oriented Hypnosis (EKH©) and Effective Body-oriented Coaching (EKC©).

Course No.1: Healing Myself (part 1)

  1.     The basic strategies of the EKH©:     12.09.24 (German) and 03.09.24 (English)
  2.     Arriving in the body comfortably:      26.09.24 (German) and 17.09.24 (English)
  3.     Body mind soul integration:      10.10.24 (German) and 01.10.24 (English)
  4.     Learning to solve fear:      31.10.24 (German) and 05.11.24 (English)
  5.     Reaction and creation:      14.11.24 (German) and 19.11.24 (English)
  6.     Learning to cure somatization:     28.11.24 (German) and 03.12.24 (English)
  7.     Desidentification helps to heal:      12.12.24 (German) and 17.12.24 (English)
  8.     Meaning ascription as a part of the problem:      11.01.25 (German) and 16.01.24 (English)
  9.     Becoming and perish as help to the self-healing becomes:      23.01.25 (German) and 30.01.24 (English)
  10.     The 7 phases of the self healing process:      06.02.24 (German) and 27.02.24 (English)

Course No.2: Healing Myself (part 2)

  1.     Comfort zone and the courageous development
  2.     Of the strength of the 1st moment
  3.     Defense and resistance and his deeper sense of cure
  4.     Self sympathy
  5.     Fear and this one themselves-liberation
  6.     Self value
  7.     Independent work with inner shares
  8.     Finding the middle of one's own and keeping under stress
  9.     Pacifying addiction and the longing behind the addiction
  10.     Trauma and trauma therapy

Course No.3: Healing the "We"(part 1)

  1.     Himself-refer study
  2.    Now as a safety
  3.     Biography work with the time line
  4.     Relation to the father and mother
  5.     Relation to the ancestors
  6.     Relation to brothers and sisters or childhood friends
  7.     Train and what she softened with me
  8.     Partnership as Bootcamp
  9.     Sexuality
  10.     Exercising relation ability

Course No.4: Healing the "We" (part 2)

  1.     Neuropsychologcal aspects of couple relation
  2.     Helpful values in the couple relation
  3.     Communication in the couple relation
  4.     Power structures
  5.     Love
  6.     Helpful values
  7.     The systemic viewpoint
  8.     Education as a relation
  9.     Children challenge us
  10.     Our children are not our children

Course No.5: Sense fulfillment

  1.     Soul impulses
  2.     Luck and health
  3.     Soul archetypes: Soul role
  4.     Fears
  5.     Aim
  6.     Mode
  7.     Mentality and reaction sample
  8.     Himself/connect
  9.     Vibration rise


Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
10 evenings á 90 min (also one by one book cash) in English

Support of the self effectiveness, resilience, self-confidence and the social competence.
Building up of a healthy stress resistance and ability to keep the inner quiet  also in situations which are difficult and charging psychically.
Learning of self-healing and regeneration techniques.

(These courses are not a curative treatment, however, and do not replace any psychotherapy.)

Technische Voraussetzungen:

This course is teached online in order to facilitate the transfer to the daily life and is optimized for this.

All parts of the course are accepted as a part of the ongoing international training in Effective Body-oriented Hypnosis (EKH)© and Effective Body-oriented Coaching (EKC)©:

Training in EKH/EKC©(200 or 400 UE)
in the combination English and German (ongoing): The PathInternational©
Support of the self effectiveness, resilience, self-confidence and the social competence.
Building up of a healthy stress resistance and ability to keep the inner quiet  also in situations which are difficult and charging psychically.
Learning of self-healing and regeneration techniques.

(These courses are not a curative treatment, however, and do not replace any psychotherapy.)

Schedule of the training:
- course no. 1-5: the 10 times 90 min = 100 UE
- teaching therapy: 15 meetings of 50 min á 240 Euros = 16 UE
- group self experience and teaching: 30 meetings of 100 min á 90 Euros = 60 UE
- 5-day intensive seminar in presence (25 UE) in Germany: Seminar costs: 950,- Euros additional the costs for conference room, catering and overnight stay as well as Your journey 

After 200 UE:Certificate EKH-Coach©
After 400 UE: Certificate EKH-Therapist© oder Senior Coach EKH© - depending on the professional background, what means if there is an approbation for medicine or psychotherapy

Requirements for taking part of the training: Anamnesis with Dr. Mahr: 50min á 240€ and 2 probationary single sessions with Dr. Mahr: 50min á 240€

As a psychological psychotherapist I also can accompany crisis situations and heavy problems with corresponding support and teach skills for coping.
On my website You will find questionnaires, videos and audios to self-knowledge and relation clarification.
Fragen Sie Ihren Arbeitgeber. Ich übersende Ihnen gerne Qualifikationsbescheinigungen zu meiner Person. Als Senior Coach BDP sowie mit dem international anerkannten Zertifikat EuroPsy werden viele meiner Angebote von Arbeitgebern bezuschußt oder übernommen.

Angestellte, Freiberufler, Führungskräfte, Ärzte und andere Heilberufler, Lehrer, Erziehende und alle Interessierten.

Mithilfe der individuellen, bedürfnisorientierten Vorgehensweise in der Ausbildung werden Teilnehmer mit dem Ziel der therapeutischen Weiterbildung hierauf spezialisiert und Teilnehmer für das Coaching-Zertifikat in Richtung auf Coaching ausgebildet.

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