
Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance - Current Position and Future Technologies in PV

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- Understanding artificial intelligence: ML, NLP, LLM and more
- Legal background and future developments
- Trends in pharmacovigilance technology
- AI in PV: Current position and future possibilities
- Management perspectives and compliance
- Practical workshops: Monitoring and signal detection; Generative AI
Termin Ort Preis*
05.07.2024 online 1.416,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

Artificial intelligence (AI) is recognised by many business experts as the next key innovation, a game changer poised to transform the entire work landscape, including that of the pharmaceutical industry. The potential applications in pharmacovigilance - from streamlined and automated ICSR management to automatic additional monitoring and signal detection - from summarising relevant information and aiding the benefit-risk evaluation, to automatic report generation - are vast. This course will bring you up to date with emerging opportunities and challenges. - Following the passing of the EU AI Act in 2023, additional guidelines for the pharmaceutical industry are expected in the coming years. Our industry and legal experts will outline what these are likely to entail. - Embracing the principle that theory is necessary but retention comes through practice, you will engage in two workshops.
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