
Seminare zum Thema User Experience

Auf finden Sie aktuell 443 Schulungen (mit 1.463 Terminen) zum Thema User Experience mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:


  • 05.09.2024- 06.09.2024
  • online
  • 1.713,60 €
1 weiterer Termin

Um im Recruiting erfolgreich zu sein, müssen Unternehmen lernen, Sinne der Bewerber:innen zu denken und zu handeln. Doch wie und wo ansetzen? Das Candidate Experience Management ermittelt, wie Bewerber:innen die jeweilige Arbeitgebermarke im Bewerbungsprozess erleben, mit dem Ziel, jeden Touchpoint mit dem potenziellen Arbeitgeber für Bewerber:innen in ein positives, motivierendes Erlebnis zu wandeln. In diesem Seminar erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Konzept der Candidate Experience praktisch auf Ihre Recruitingprozesse übertragen können.

  • 15.07.2024- 18.07.2024
  • Köln
  • 2.606,10 €
1 weiterer Termin

MS-500 - Microsoft 365 Security Administrator

  • firmenintern
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In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to harness the power of Watson Discovery API to build a robust document retrieval system. From regular expressions to advanced techniques like Discovery Query Language, relevancy training, and result modification, this course will equip you with the skills needed to create highly accurate and efficient search applications.


The course begins by introducing you to the Watson Discovery API and its capabilities. You will gain hands-on experience by developing a document retrieval project from scratch. Starting with the basics, you will learn how to upload dictionaries to enhance the search functionality and utilize regular expressions to extract specific patterns from documents.


Moving forward, the course delves into the features of Watson Discovery user interface. You will explore text classification techniques, leveraging the power of machine learning to categorize and organize your documents effectively. With the smart document understanding tool, you will learn how to extract meaningful insights from unstructured data, making it easier to analyze and retrieve relevant information.


The course also covers relevancy training, a powerful technique that fine-tunes the search results based on user feedback. You will learn how to train the system to improve the ranking of search results and provide a more personalized experience to users. Additionally, y...

  • 28.05.2024- 29.05.2024
  • München
  • 1.178,10 €
6 weitere Termine

Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) Einführung


  • 14.06.2024- 12.07.2024
  • online
  • 1.475,60 €
2 weitere Termine

Durch Orientierung am Kundennutzen und Fokus auf ein positives Produkterlebnis steigern Sie die Rentabilität Ihres Unternehmens. Machen Sie sich jetzt mit Methoden vertraut, Ihre Kund:innen und Nutzer:innen zu hören, zu analysieren und zu verstehen. Mit der Umsetzung von UX fördern Sie nutzerzentriertes Denken in der gesamten Organisation und minimieren das Risiko von Neuentwicklungen, die am Bedarf vorbeigehen. Dieser Online-Kurs vermittelt alle Aspekte der wertschöpfenden Rolle von User Experience. Der Kurs zeigt Ihnen in vielen Beispielen, wie Sie User Experience in Ihre Entwicklungsprozesse integrieren und Stakeholder:innen mit Analyse-Ergebnissen überzeugen. So gewinnen Sie durch die praktische Anwendung Schritt für Schritt mehr Sicherheit und bauen die Grenzen zwischen den Systemen und Touchpoints in Ihrem Unternehmen ab. Der Kurs setzt sich zusammen aus didaktisch hochwertigen Selbstlernmodulen und Live-Webinaren. Er wurde so konzipiert, dass Sie damit flexibel lernen können – ideal, wenn Sie sich berufsbegleitend weiterbilden möchten.


  • 17.06.2024
  • online
  • 952,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


The overall intention of watsonx Assistant is to enable the user to interact from anywhere and to engage with any company data.


This course enables the student to create watsonx Assistant instances that resolve multiple user tasks through the access of channels like webchat, telephone and third-party customer service applications like GENESYS and custom extensions that hold proprietary real time data, as well as, provide generative AI interactions.


A persona and its personality are important chrematistics of the users' interaction. Emotions, tone, language can call impact a user' s experience and thus the company' s image.


Actions contain steps which begin with conditions that evaluate user, session, and extension variables and decide whether specific steps should run or not run. 


Primary actions can orchestrate a complex system of tasks by sending users to subactions and their requests to different custom extensions.  Journeys provide the user with assistance to complete complex tasks already available in a web site using the techniques of Show, Tell, and Do. The user can switch between chat and web site functionality and back to chat using a number of different tools like images, text, video, and interactive iFrames.


watsonx Assistant includes the preview function which provides a number of debugging tools which allow the practitioner to find the value of ...

  • firmenintern
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The overall intention of watsonx Assistant is to enable the user to interact from anywhere and to engage with any company data.


This course enables the student to create watsonx Assistant instances that resolve multiple user tasks through the access of channels like webchat, telephone and third-party customer service applications like GENESYS and custom extensions that hold proprietary real time data, as well as, provide generative AI interactions.


A persona and its personality are important chrematistics of the users' interaction. Emotions, tone, language can call impact a user' s experience and thus the company' s image.


Actions contain steps which begin with conditions that evaluate user, session, and extension variables and decide whether specific steps should run or not run. 


Primary actions can orchestrate a complex system of tasks by sending users to subactions and their requests to different custom extensions.  Journeys provide the user with assistance to complete complex tasks already available in a web site using the techniques of Show, Tell, and Do. The user can switch between chat and web site functionality and back to chat using a number of different tools like images, text, video, and interactive iFrames.


watsonx Assistant includes the preview function which provides a number of debugging tools which allow the practitioner to find the value of ...


  • Beginn jederzeit möglich
  • online
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User Experience ist das Zauberwort: Digitale Unternehmen müssen ihren Kund:innen einiges bieten, um im Online-Wettbewerb in Führung zu gehen. In Deinem Master-Fernstudium Digital Business Management lernst Du die neuesten Technologien kennen und bildest Soft Skills für Leadership aus. Nach Deinem Abschluss kannst Du digitale Unternehmen erfolgreich auf dem Markt positionieren – zum Beispiel als Digital Consultant oder als (Digital) Business Development Manager:in.


  • 02.09.2024- 03.09.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €


This course introduces test managers to the basics of using IBM Engineering Test Management to manage a test effort within a software development project. The course teaches how to plan the test effort, develop test artifacts, align with requirements and development, manage the test team' s work, monitor progress, submit and track defects, and report test results and status. Through hands-on lab exercises that reinforce learning, you will experience the benefits of test management that is integrated with requirements and development through Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM). IBM Engineering Test Management is a key component of Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM), providing quality management capabilities in a fully-integrated environment that can also include Engineering Workflow Management for change and configuration management. 


  • 18.11.2024- 19.11.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €


This course introduces test managers to the basics of using IBM Engineering Test Management to manage a test effort within a software development project. The course teaches how to plan the test effort, develop test artifacts, align with requirements and development, manage the test team' s work, monitor progress, submit and track defects, and report test results and status. Through hands-on lab exercises that reinforce learning, you will experience the benefits of test management that is integrated with requirements and development through Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM). IBM Engineering Test Management is a key component of Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM), providing quality management capabilities in a fully-integrated environment that can also include Engineering Workflow Management for change and configuration management. 

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Auf dem Weiterbildungsmarkt gibt es eine Vielzahl an Seminaren, Trainings und Workshops. Welches passt zu mir? Welcher Abschluss lohnt sich für meine Karriere? In unserer Infothek gehen wir auf die unterschiedlichsten Themen aus der Welt der Seminare, Weiterbildungen und Kurse ein.

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